Computer and Information Technology

Computer and Information Technology

Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AAI02)


Level: CERTIFICATE | Program: College | Department: Computer and Information Technology | Study Mode: Online | Duration: 1 month(s)

Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AAI02) is a comprehensive online short-term course offered by Finstock Evarsity College.  Advanced Artificial Intelligence course duration is one month. The examining body is Finstock Evarsity College. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the course. Course Overview  Advanced Artificial Intelligence course is a high-level competence training that will present advanced topics in Artificial Intelligence. The training is designed ...

Advanced Algorithims (ADALG02)


Level: CERTIFICATE | Program: College | Department: Computer and Information Technology | Study Mode: Online | Duration: 4 month(s)

Advanced Algorithms (CIAL001) is a comprehensive online short-term course offered by Finstock Evarsity College.  Advanced Algorithms course duration is one month. The examining body is Finstock Evarsity College. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the course. Course Overview  Advanced Algorithms course is a high-level competence training that will present new ideas and build on upon basics to help learners solve more complex problem and use Advance Algorithms ...

Advanced Machine Language (AML002)


Level: CERTIFICATE | Program: College | Department: Computer and Information Technology | Study Mode: Online | Duration: 1 month(s)

Advanced Machine Language (AML002) is a comprehensive online short-term course offered by Finstock Evarsity College.  Advanced Machine Language course duration is one month. The examining body is Finstock Evarsity College. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the course. Course Overview  Advanced Machine Language course is a high-level competence training that will present new ideas and build on upon basics to help learners solve more complex problem and use ...

Introduction To Algorithims (CIAL001)


Level: CERTIFICATE | Program: College | Department: Computer and Information Technology | Study Mode: Online | Duration: 1 month(s)

Introduction to Algorithms (CIAL001) is a comprehensive online short-term course offered by Finstock Evarsity College. Introduction to Algorithms course duration is one month. The examining body is Finstock Evarsity College. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the course. Course Overview  Introduction to Algorithms course offers an in-depth introduction to mathematical modelling of computational problems, common algorithms, and algorithmic paradigms and data ...

Computer Studies And Online Business Training (CSOBT)


Level: CERTIFICATE | Program: College | Department: Computer and Information Technology | Study Mode: Online | Duration: 4 month(s)

Computer packages entail the various disciplines a student learns in relation to computing. The main goal is basically to equip students with basic computer skills and as you progress, advanced courses will strengthen knowledge in specified areas. Computer systems are now relied on for a broad spectrum of duties, including bookkeeping, business communications, product design, manufacturing, inventory control, and marketing.Finstock Evarsity equips students with a thorough knowledge of ...

Basics In Computer Studies (FRBCS)


Level: CERTIFICATE | Program: College | Department: Computer and Information Technology | Study Mode: Online | Duration: 1 month(s)

Basics In Computer studies Course overview The certificate in computer studies course offered at Fijnstock Evarsit is a one Month program examined by Finstock Evarsity College. A certificate of completion is issued upon successful completion of the course. This is a very important course especially in the present day where everyone will use a computer sooner or later due to the improved need to work with the current improved technology. Students study the design, development and analysis of ...

Basics In Video Editing (FRBVE)


Level: CERTIFICATE | Program: College | Department: Computer and Information Technology | Study Mode: Online | Duration: 1 month(s)

Basics In Video Editing Course description The Basics In Video Editing Course offered at Finstock Evarsity College is a 1 month online program examined by Finstock Evarsity College. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the course. Video Editing Basics is a one month introductory course. The course focuses on different types of video editing, basic video editing principles, and editing tricks, followed by a learning tutorial on creating a video in Premiere Pro. This online ...

Basic In Managing An Ecommerce Website (FRMEW)


Level: CERTIFICATE | Program: College | Department: Computer and Information Technology | Study Mode: Online | Duration: 1 month(s)

Basics In Managing an Ecommerce Website Course overview The Basics in Managing an Ecommerce Website course offered at Finstock Evarsity College is a one-month online program examined by Finstock Evarsity College. A certificate of Completion is issued upon successful completion of the course. Ecommerce business management refers to all the aspects of managing your online business, from customizing your ecommerce platform to customer management to inventory, shipping and fulfilment. What is ...

Basics In Zoom Learning (FRZL)


Level: CERTIFICATE | Program: College | Department: Computer and Information Technology | Study Mode: Online | Duration: 1 month(s)

Basics in Zoom Learning Course overview The certificate in Zoom learning course offered by Finstock Evarsity College is a one month program examined by Finstock Evarsty College. Certificate of completion is issued upon successful completion of the course. Zoom learning became popular especially in the covid time where schools were closed so students had to learn online and also people used to do meetings online. There is a need for people these days to have knowledge in zoom learning since ...

Introduction To Machine Learning (IML001)


Level: CERTIFICATE | Program: College | Department: Computer and Information Technology | Study Mode: Online | Duration: 1 month(s)

Introduction to Machine Learning (CIAL001) is a comprehensive online short-term course offered by Finstock Evarsity College.  Introduction to Machine Learning course duration is one month. The examining body is Finstock Evarsity College. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the course. Course Overview  Introduction to Machine Learning course offers an in-depth introduction to concepts and methods for machine learning. The Emphasis will be on machine learning ...
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