3 Simple ways of reducing Stress.
Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. It usually happens when we are in a situation that we don’t feel we can manage or control. Mostly, stress can be experienced when you have lots of responsibilities that you are struggling to manage.

Stress is part of being human, and it can help motivate you to get things done. Even high stress from serious illness, job loss, a death in the family, or a painful life event can be a natural part of life. You may feel down or anxious, and that’s normal too for a while.However, constant stress can lead to anxiety and panic strikes and finally put you in a pit of depression which according to research reduces a person’s lifespan. Stress can slow our general body function resulting to unnecessary fatigue making you feel worked up and uneasy. I mean being stressed is one of the most uncomfortable feelings and we have been there before .
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Well there ways in which you can actually manage stress and avoid fatigue and here are some of them.
Doing physical exercises

Physical exercises aid in checking proper blood flow in all parts of the human body. This allows you to stretch your muscles and even clear your mind.
Some of these physical exercises:
- Bike riding
- Aerobics
- Jogging
- Martial arts
- Walking (etc.
Also a 6-week study in 185 university students found that being involved in aerobic exercise 2 days per week greatly led to a decline in overall stress and perceived stress due to uncertainty. Furthermore, the exercise routine greatly improved self-reported disturbance.
Many other studies have clearly shown that involving yourself in physical activity helps reduce stress levels and improve your mood since poor mood may lead to increased stress and sleep disturbances. To sum up don’t be a slacker ,get up and do some physical activities.
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Having a good diet

Our body is composed of what we feed it either healthy or unhealthy.
A good meal improves one’s mood and health status. You should avoid excessive intake of sugary and processed foods.
Managing your intake of highly processed foods and beverages and eating more whole foods like vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, and cereals can aid in ensuring a proper body nourishment thereof improving your resilience to stress. Studies show that people who adhere to a diet high in ultra-processed foods and added sugar are more likely to experience higher stress levels.
With that said you should check on your diet it might be slowly eating your happiness away.
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Practice self care

Self care can be put together in two terms that is ‘loving yourself’ therefore leading to indulgence in activities that improve your well being.
Self care is actually the most effective way of dealing with stress . Some of the self care practices include:
- Doing yoga
- Dancing
- Lighting candles
- Nature walks
- Aromatherapy
- Reducing your caffeine intake
- Cuddling
- Reading a good book
- Listening to soothing music
- Minimizing phone use and screen time
- Massages
- Spending time with friends and family
Anger management and understanding Anger
With all that in mind it’s however advisable to cut lose from the things or people causing you the stress, as we all know prevention is way better than cure.
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