3 ways to make your house windows stand out

Have you ever imagined what your home would be like without windows? Not only would it look ugly, but would also be susceptible to environmental elements such as wind and rain. Since windows are an important component of your home’s beauty, you take good care of them. Every part of your window needs to look good at all times. Are you tired of the same old look on your windows? Well, with the help of a general contractor, you should be able to transform them into something more attractive.You could also try doing some of the following things.

1.Remodel your window shutters.

One good way of changing your windows’ appearance is by dealing with window shutters. Note that, window shutters come in various designs. So, what you want is to get a unique one. Try replacing old shutters with new ones first. The ones you get should have a shade that blends with the window frame colour and wall of your home. For instance, if you have a dull brown wall, you could get a jungle green window shutter that harmonizes with it. For popular white window frames, get a shutter with an eye-popping colour that blends with white. Aqua blue is not that bad. Besides that, you could change the overall look of your shutter altogether. Where you have been using flat solid panels, you could decide to have your contractor install lovely louvered shutters for you.

2.Change the glass

If there is one thing that holds the overall appearance of your window, it is glass. Ask yourself, what type of glass you use and whether that is the best choice for your window. You want to get something that gives you maximum light and security in a single package. Have you ever tried tinted glass? If you want an attractive incognito look on your home, then this is what you should go for. However, there are options such as reflective glass that provide limitless insulation during the day. Its reflective capabilities give it a shiny appearance that will improve your home’s overall look. You do not have to worry yourself about window installation because at Finstock Evarsity, we have  courses about window installation and interior design.

3.Get a new frame

Besides getting new glass, you could also consider changing your window frames. If you want something conspicuous, then try having metallic frames installed for you. Aluminium is not a bad option for giving your windows a shiny look. You could also consider non-metallic options such as vinyl, composite or fibreglass frames. Though not as shiny, they have better thermal resistance and blend really well with glass. You can consult with your local contractor for more frame options.

Apart from window installation, we offer other courses that teaches you how you can transform your home into a billion -dollar looking home. Such courses include

Interior design in soft furnishings

Curtain making and sewing

Why should you have extra skills?

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