5 Major Things You Should Know About the Telecommunication Industry

The telecommunication sector is made up of companies that make communication possible on a global scale, whether it is through the phone or the Internet, through airwaves or cables, through wires or wirelessly. These companies created the infrastructure that allows data in words, voice, audio, or video to be sent anywhere in the world. The largest companies in the sector are telephone (both wired and wireless) operators, satellite companies, cable companies, and Internet service providers.

With evolving technologies and the advent of advanced applications, telecommunications has triggered a growth in various business sectors. Technological advancement in telecommunications has helped businesses in not just increasing efficiency and productivity, but also reducing expenses (Perera et al., 2014). Here are five things that everyone in telecommunication industry or anyone planning to get into the industry should know about the telecom technology.

Satellites are Key to Telecommunication Industry

In telecommunications, the use of artificial satellites to provide communication links between various points on Earth. Satellite communications play a vital role in the global telecommunications system. Approximately 2,000 artificial satellites orbiting Earth relay analog and digital signals carrying voice, video, and data to and from one or many locations worldwide.

High Speed Wireless Internet is the Ultimate Growth Factor

Customers demand data connectivity of the best quality, at all times. In this day and age, running a successful business is impossible without using the internet regularly. With work from home becoming the new normal, digitization of everything and increased data needs, high speed broadband is more important than ever. And smoother and faster internet helps your organization function efficiently.

Security is the Major Threat in Telecommunication

Telecommunication companies have long been strong pillars of communication. From landline infrastructure to internet service, they’ve helped run businesses and build economies. People rely on telecoms every second of every day, may it be sending emails or making phone calls. This increasing reliance on telecoms and the sensitive data passing through their networks make these businesses highly attractive to cybercriminals. In 2019, almost 43% of telecom companies suffered from DNS-based malware, with 81% of them delivering a sluggish response by waiting up to three days to apply the necessary patches to secure the breach (Schomp, et al., 2020).

Africa is Developing very Fast in this Sector.

African telecom and tech firms are achieving new milestones as they take advantage of the resurging interest of foreign investors to invest heavily in infrastructure expansion, finance the construction of data centers, extend fiber connectivity to new locations, and roll out new mobile networks in strategic markets.

AI and Automation Might Replace a Lot of Jobs in the Near Future

The future of automation and AI is a topic that has been debated for decades. Some believe that automation will take away jobs from humans and this will be the end of the world as we know it. While others believe that AI will create more jobs than it takes away. This debate is still ongoing, but there are some facts about how automation and AI are affecting our lives today. We can see how automation has impacted the workforce in different industries such as manufacturing, transportation, healthcare and many more.

The impact of automating various roles in these industries can be seen by looking at what happened to employment rates in these sectors after technological advancements were made. For instance, employment rates dropped significantly after the introduction of automated manufacturing systems such as industrial robots or computer-controlled machine tools.

Whether you are interested in Telecommunication engineering, or understanding the basics of computer science, Finstock Evarsity College has a wide range of ICT courses to keep you connected.

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