5 Ways of Developing Healthy Love

Love is a wonderful thing. You can tell this from the number of songs that have been released about love. No matter your age, you will want to be loved. Sometimes people may pretend to love you or do things for you to show you they love you, but they might have ill motives. In the past you have seen a husband kill a wife or even a mother set herself ablaze with her children. United nations did a Global study on homicide and noted that 34% of all women and girls who are reported murdered, the person responsible is their intimate partners. This leaves you wondering whether they really loved each other. To avoid such toxicity, you have to develop a healthy love. Here are 5 ways of developing healthy love with the people around you.


Believing in whatever a person tells you might be easier said than done. This is because of the many different bad experiences you might have had in the past. If you are unable to trust a loved one, you will end up arguing on even the smallest of things.

2.Respect boundaries

Boundaries show where one thing ends, and another begins. Make sure you know your boundaries and the boundaries of people you love. Communicate these boundaries to each other so that you are able to respect their boundaries. An example of a boundary is personal space. If you want personal space and a quiet environment while you are working at home, communicate this to your loved ones.

3.Honest Communication

Communication is exchanging of information by either speaking, writing or using a certain medium. Ensure you let your loved ones know what has made you angry or happy. Let them know what you expect. Also listen to them as they give you feedback on what you have told them. Once you are able to be open and honest to each other, there would be less friction between you and your loved ones. Gain communications skills by registering for the course basics in communication skills (frcs) – free courses – finstock evarsity college.

4.Willing to compromise

Everyone has their own preference. You may love to go out, yet your partner loves to stay indoors. You have to meet each other in the middle. This means you have to agree on what to do about such situations where both of you have different preferences. This means you would either decide to go out for two hours then get back home. Developing negotiation skills would help you when discussing such situations. Register for the certificate in negotiation and conflict management (ccrn) offered by finstock evarsity college so as to develop negotiation skills.

5.Know love languages.

Everyone communicates their love differently. There are five love languages as first introduced in 1992 by marriage counselor Dr. Gary Cahpman in his book “The 5 love languages”. These five love languages are quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service and receiving gifts. Recognizing how you or your loved one likes to receive and express love could lead to a healthy love.

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