Have you ever tried an Indian head massage? It is a beneficial and deeply relaxing massage to the head, upper back, arms, neck, scalp, shoulders and face.

It is an ideal way for a person to get away from everyday emotional and mental stress. Also, it is used to release any block negative energy in the body that might be manifesting as an injury or disease.

Indian head massage popularly known as Champissage is a tradition in practiced  by the Hindu for over 1000 years which focuses on your head, neck and shoulders and was originally used to improve scalp and hair condition. It is a deep massage that incorporates a variety of pressure and techniques, such as deep tissue manipulation on the shoulders, circular massage strokes on the scalp and neck stretching.

The following are some of the benefits of Indian head massage;

1. Helps in preventing migraines, headache and back pain

Many people suffer from migraines regularly because of tensions in the upper back, neck and head. This can lead to uncomfortable living on a daily basis and when ignored, it can lead to more serious problems. Indian head massage will focus on applying pressure to points in the upper back, arms and shoulders to reduce tension in the muscles. Massage around the neck and head encourages circulation of cerebral fluids and reduces headaches-causing blockages.



2. Promotes hair growth

Massages to the scalp and head increases nourishment and oxygen to the hair which stimulates hair growth. Kneading of the head during massage opens up the blood vessels in the scalp which results to a better absorption by the blood vessels. Each hair follicle needs equal amounts of nutrients to go into them for an even growth of each of the strands. So, in a nut shell, the more massage you have, the greater the chance of good hair growth.

3. Cures insomnia

Sleeplessness, restlessness and insomnia are the side effects of stress. Indian head massage relieves stress and tension within the body immediately which in return promotes relaxation. This leaves you in a better position in terms of your well-being by calming your spirit and helping you to relax. Your body opening your body opens to a better rest which positively affects your sleep cycle since the body is revitalizing itself.

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4. Renews energy levels

Indian head massage has a powerful effect in restoring body energy back into balance.

An Indian head massage works with the Ayurvedic concept whereby it is believed that the mind and the body is intricately connected and thus can influence one another. Indian massage works wonderfully in restoring back the energy of the body by working on the chakras (energy centers) of the body.


5. Boots memory capabilities

Indian head massage is administered on the small surrounding of the head. The muscles have sensory nerves that sends signals to the brains thus stimulating better function of the brain. As a result, there is an improvement in attention span, memory and cognitive aspect.

6. Relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression

Massaging the head encourages the supply of oxygen to the brain which is one of the best ways of reducing anxiety and uplifting one’s mood. When there enough supply of oxygen in the brain, one thinks clearly and creatively. Also, a head lowers stress hormones by increasing dopamine and endorphin levels that helps improve your mood.To learn how to do an Indian head massage professionally ,you can enroll for the course INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE at Finstock Evarsity College.Click on link below and apply

Indian Head Massage

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