Category: Blog

Leadership Vs Management: Understanding the Key Difference.

Leadership Vs Management: Understanding the Key Difference.
The concepts of leadership and management have often been mistaken as the same thing but in principle, they are very different although they complement each other. For any organization or business to succeed it needs people that can plan, organize and coordinate its staff, while also inspiring and motivating them to perform to the best [...]View More

Why Social Media Is Important For Your Business

Why Social Media Is Important For Your Business
Social media marketing is critical in this century for any business, big or small, to grow to its full potential. It does not matter if you run a small local shop or a big national company. Social media is more than just a trend. Many people are still stuck in the mindset that social media [...]View More

How a former Data and economic scientist/consultant built a business of enabling colleges and universities to move online

How a former Data and economic scientist/consultant built a business of enabling colleges and universities to move online
The country and the world in general has a new disruptor, Covid-19, which is forcing everyone to a ‘new normal’ of social distancing. Work places and learning institutions have been ghosted, and homes are now functioning as the new learning institutions and work stations, even as people plan to keep life going, amid the invasion [...]View More

The eLearning Controversy: Finstock LMS has a Solution

The eLearning Controversy: Finstock LMS has a Solution
About the author CPA John Kimani is an experienced economic and business consultant who has wide experience in economic, accounting, auditing and business management issues. Currently a PhD Cand in Economics (UON), and a PhD Cand in Finance (OUT), he has a Master of Arts in Economics (UON), a Bachelors Degree of Commerce (Finance Option-UON), [...]View More

Top 7 Benefits of a Certified Fraud Examiner Certification!

Top 7 Benefits of a Certified Fraud Examiner Certification!

The certified fraud examiner (CFE) course is offered at Finstock Evarsity college.  The benefits of this course accrue to both the professional and well as to the general economy. Here is list of 7 benefits that the CFE course may yield to you and to the economy. 1. Increase your earnings CFEs earn 31 percent […]

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Top 20 Best Employers For CFEs!

Top 20 Best Employers For CFEs!

CFE is a course that is in high demand and whose supply in the Kenyan Job market is still scarce. It is therefore expected that the rules of demand and supply in the Job Market for CFEs do apply to the Kenyan Market. The following are the institutions that employ CFE professionals in Kenya. However, […]

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Impact of Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) To Your Organization Bottom Line!

Impact of Certified Fraud Examiner

ACFE research indicates that organizations with CFEs professionals, uncover fraud 50 percent sooner and experience fraud losses that are 62 percent smaller than organizations that do not have CFEs on staff. Reports on fraud and corruption has been widespread in Kenya. Both public and private sectors have not been spared of this scourge. For instance, fraud […]

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How Certified Fraud Examiner Will Change Your Life

How certified fraud examiner will change your life

Certified Fraud Examiner: The Ultimate Course to Fight Corruption and Fraud! Does it pain you when billions of money in Kenya evaporates in thin air without a trace and you end up paying for it through tax? Where does this money disappear to? How can I be able to detect before it disappears? Well, that’s […]

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Why Should You Have Extra Skills?

Why should you have extra skills?

The advantage of having extra skills I don’t know about you, but I’m always curious about the world, and always aware of how much I still have to learn. Most of the time people like specializing in one area of qualification, but what does not come to the mind of the people is what if […]

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Best Consultancy Agency In Kenya You Should Consult

Don't stress yourself, consult us now

Finstock  Consultancy A consultant  is a professional who provides expert advice in a particular area such as security (electronic or physical), management, education, accountancy, law, human resources, marketing (and public relations), finance, engineering, science or any of many other specialized fields. By hiring a consultant, clients have access to deeper levels of expertise than would […]

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