Effects of Malnutrition on Developing Countries

Due to rise in cost of living, people living in developing countries lack food rich in nutrients causing either undernutrition or overnutrition. Almost 14% of population in developing countries are malnourished. Malnutrition can be severe to life threatening. It is common for children under age of 5, aged pregnant women and people with poverty. How can one attain good health with low cost of living? Eating balanced diet with food rich in proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, vitamins and vegetables is important for healthy living. Effects of malnutrition include;

Reduced Wound Healing

Malnutrition weakens immunity system in human body thus making it hard for it to produce cells that heals wounds and cuts. In some cases, platelets which stops blood clotting and white blood cells which fights germs are unable to function well thus slowing the healing process.  The greatest fundamentals for studying Dietetics and Nutrition helps to acquire fresh knowledge and abilities, gain new information and skills and get insight into food and nutrition.


Malnutrition cause stress resulting to memory loss and low concencentration.  Malnourished people find it hard to make a valid decision and their performance is usually low at school and place of work. Lack of enough nutrients in body cause poor cognitive and brain development. In many cases,  malnourished people tend to forget easily and reason poorly. How to survive the rising cost of living by making more money and spending less in daily activities.

Failure of Organs

Malnourished people tend suffer from kidney failure and heart failure. Due to lack of irons in the body, one is likely to suffer from anaemia reducing blood supply in some parts of body causing organ dis-functioning.

Body Weight Change

Undernutrition causes weight loss while overnutrition causes weight gain. Undernourished people suffer from Marasmus and Kwashiorkor while over -nourished suffers from obesity. 5 habits that can improve your life entitles planning your daily activities, doing simple task immediately avoiding postponing, eating well and getting enough sleep.

Finstock Evarsity College offers a course in various types of Nutrition and Dietetics that will help you learn on better ways of ensuring good healthy. You can enrol in the following courses;

  1. . Diploma on Nutrition and Dietetics
  2. Certificate on Nutrition and Dietetics
  3. Diploma in Public Health Nutrition
Why should you have extra skills?

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