Five Most Colorful Minerals and Stones

Minerals are naturally occurring substances that are solid and inorganic. They are not necessarily brightly colored but rather have unique attributes that make them beautiful. There over 4900 known types of these cool minerals. Read on to enjoy this list beneath of the most beautiful mineral and learn something too.


Well known as the `gemstone of the rainbow ‘for its numerous colors which vary in shapes, sizes and faces. Tourmaline is considered the gemstone of friendship and love for its availability and durability. It is mostly found in Brazil and parts of Africa. Research has shown that mood disorders may be improved first as well through negative ion generations as anti-depressants but without the negative side effects. As a powerful mental healer, tourmaline balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain and changes negative energy into positive. It has also been known to treat paranoia and dyslexia and improve coordination. The easiest way to incorporate tourmaline is to wear it as a piece of jewelry. Tourmaline is a beautiful, high-quality gemstone that can be made into rings, pendants, or necklaces and work to heal you throughout the day.

Read also on this related blogs; Stress Management Strategies and Navigating Mental Wellness and Awareness in College


Marble comes in a wide range of colors. The color of a given piece of marble depends on where it came from. Marbles can be found in areas where limestone are subject to metamorphism. Marbles are beautiful and comes in range of plainly colors. Geologist have continued to discover more variety of marbles on earth and celebrates their rich geographical achievements, this is a skill acquired at Finstock Evarsity College through a course in Geology and Mineral Science that equip you with skills of both extraction and knowledge of minerals, rocks and stones.


Agate comes in variety of colors. It was highly valued by ancient cultures including the Sumerians, Egyptians and Romans to be used for talismans, seals, vessels and beads. Agate usually has patterns of wavy lines that can be blue, yellow, red, brown and gray. Agate forms from pooling ground water that contains silica. It is used for making mortal and other laboratory supplies. It is also used in making jewelries and ornamental items.


Fluorite is termed as the most colorful mineral in the world. It is soft and sometimes carved into trinkets or figurines. It is used as an ornamental stone and also used for smelting and manufacturing of glass and fluoride which is commonly found in toothpaste. Becoming a geologist could earn you skills in manufacturing and later work in this industries, enroll at Finstock Evarsity College for a Geology and Mineral Science course and get equipped with the right skills.


Moonstone is characterized with unique silky sheen called adularescence which is caused by light diffraction that makes the Moonstone have layers of glossy colors. Romans believes it came from rays of the moon. Geologist are incredibly important in the environmental consulting field and relied on for their expertise and knowledge on different rocks and minerals that make the earth crust. To learn more on rocks and minerals read on this related blog:

Four Incredible Scenic Caves to Visit in Kenya.

Or enroll for geographical related courses at Finstock Evarsity college that will equip you with knowledge on rocks and minerals in the world.

  1. Geology and Mineral Science Course.
  2. Basics in Geographical Information System Course


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