Advanced EVIEWS Professional Level


This book contains the following topics:

• Time Series Analysis with EVIEWS
• Panel Data Analysis in EVIEWS
• Multivariate Analysis with EVIEWS
• Forecasting and Prediction in EVIEWS
• Cointegration and Error Correction Models in EVIEWS
• Econometric Modeling with EVIEWS
• Time-Varying Volatility Modeling in EVIEWS
• Advanced Data Management and Automation in EVIEWS

Category: Proffesional Level Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity Publishers
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 62


“The book on Advanced EVIEWS” offers a comprehensive and sophisticated exploration of the powerful statistical software, delving deep into its advanced capabilities. Learners gain extensive knowledge and practical skills in conducting intricate data analysis, building intricate models, and extracting meaningful insights from
their results. Emphasizing real-world applications and hands-on experience, the course equips participants with the expertise needed to handle challenging data analysis and modeling tasks.

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