Advanced Excel Training Professional Level


This book contains the following topics:

• Data Management in Excel
• Advanced Excel Functions
• Data Analysis with Excel
• Data Visualization in Excel
• Advanced Data Modeling
• Automating Tasks in Excel
• Collaborative Work in Excel
• Advanced Excel Tips and Tricks

Category: Professional Level Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity Publishers
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 63



The Advanced Excel Training is an indispensable resource thatgoes beyond the basics to empower users with advanced skills in Microsoft Excel. Emphasizing practical application, the programprovides real-world examples, ensuring learner can immediately apply their knowledge in professional contexts. Whether you are a business professional, analyst, or Excel enthusiast, this training is a  valuable tool to elevate your Excel proficiency, enabling you to efficiently manipulate data in a diverse range of professional settings.

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