Basic in Child Care Protection Basic Level


This book contains the following topics:

 • Introduction to Child Care Protection
• Child Abuse and Neglect
• Signs and Symptoms of Child Abuse and Neglect
• Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
• Child Protection Agencies and Services
• Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
• Working with Abused and Neglected Children
• Ethical Issues in Child Care Protection

Category Basic  Level   Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity publishers
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 59


“From Fear to Freedom: Empowering Child Care Protection” is a groundbreaking guide that unveils the secrets to ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for children. With captivating real-life stories and expert insights, this empowering book equips parents, educators, and caregivers with essential tools to recognize, prevent, and address potential risks. Discover how to foster resilience, establish healthy boundaries, and build trust, as you embark on a transformative journey towards safeguarding the innocence and well-being of our most precious treasures. A must-read for anyone passionate about championing child care protection in an ever-evolving world.”

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