Geology and Mineral Science_Diploma Level


Book Summary

This book contain the following topics:
• Introduction to Geology and Mineralogy
• Mineral Identification
• Petrology and Rock Formation
• Plate Tectonics and Structural Geology
• Geologic Time and Earth’s History
• Economic Geology
• Environmental Geology
• Planetary Geology

Category Diploma Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity publishers
ISBN: 978-9914-9670-4-3
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 106



Explore the fascinating world under our feet. This book takes you on an exciting journey through the fundamental concepts of geology and mineralogy. Learn about the forces that have shaped our planet over billions of years, the rocks and minerals beneath the surface, and how to identify precious gemstones. A compelling read for anyone interested in understanding the geological processes that formed the earth and continue to change our landscape. Discover the dazzling diversity of crystals and minerals that make up our rocks and soil.

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