Issues in International Relations Certificate Level


This book contains the following topics:

 • Introduction to International Relations
• Theoretical Perspectives in International Relations
• State Actors in International Relations
• Conflict and Cooperation in International Relations
• Globalization and its Implications
• Global Governance and International Organizations
• Global Security Challenges
• Emerging Issues in International Relations

Category Certificate Level   Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity publishers
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 101



“Delve into the intricate web of global politics and explore the pressing issues that shape our world today with ‘Issues in International Relations.’ This captivating and thought-provoking book takes you on a journey through the complexities of power, ethics, and cooperation in an interconnected world. From security and human rights to climate change and globalization, it offers a comprehensive and engaging exploration of the challenges we face as a global community. Gain a deeper understanding of the forces shaping our world and be inspired to make a difference. A must-read for scholars, policymakers, and anyone passionate about creating a more just and peaceful world.”

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