Law Governing Credit Practice Diploma Level Kasneb


This book contain the following topics:

• Introduction to Securities
• Land as Security
• Intellectual Property as Collateral
• Guarantees and Indemnities
• Bailment, Pledge and Lien
• Corporate Securities
• Government Borrowing
• Bankruptcy
• Insolvency
• Emerging Issues and Trends

Category: Diploma Level Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity Publishers
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 155


“Law Governing Credit Practice” serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the legal principles and regulations governing credit transactions. This book provides a thorough examination of key aspects of credit law, including contract formation, consumer protection, creditor rights, and debt collection practices. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, case studies, and practical examples, readers gain insights into the legal rights and responsibilities of both creditors and debtors in credit transactions

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