Law Related To Fraud in Certified Forensic Fraud Examination Kasneb Professional Level

KSh 3,000.00

This book contains the following topics:

 • Introduction to Fraud
• Prinicipal Categories of Fraud/Corruption and the Legal Elements
• Corruption Offences
• Economic Crime Offences
• Anti-Corruption Courts
• Laws/Statues and Offences Related to Fraud and Corruption
• International Intitatives Against Corruption

Category: Diploma Level Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity Publishers
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 125


“Law Related to Fraud in Certified Forensic Fraud Examiner” provides a comprehensive guide to the legal frameworks governing fraud investigations. It equips readers with essential knowledge of forensic accounting, legal procedures, and ethical considerations. The book is an indispensable resource for professionals pursuing certification in fraud examination. Through practical examples and case studies, it bridges the gap between theory and real-world application in the fight against fraud.

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