Negotiation skills for Results – Professional Level

KSh 3,000.00

This book contains the following topics:

• Definition, Importance and Type of Negotiation Skills
• Preparing, Setting Objectives, Goals and Planning Strategies during Negotiation
• Active Listening Skills, Non-Verbal Communication and Persua- sive Language in Negotiations
• Building Rapport, Establishing Trust and Maintaining Positive Relationships
• Managing, Controlling and Avoiding Emotions in Negotiations
• Understanding Different Negotiation Styles
• Types of Power, Power Dynamics and Strategies for Balancing Power in Negotiations
• Understanding, Identifying Common Ground and Collaborative Problem-Solving

Category Professional Level  Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity publishers
ISBN: 978-9914-9670-9-8
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 184


Whether you’re a seasoned negotiator or a beginner looking to hone your skills, this book is for you. Negotiation is an essential skill that can make or break your personal and professional relationships and with the right tools, you can learn to negotiate with confidence and achieve the results you desire. From understanding the basics of negotiation to mastering advanced techniques, this book is packed with real-world examples, expert insights and actionable advice.

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