Performance Management_Diploma Level


Book Summary

This book contain the following topics:
• Goal Alignment, Effective Communication and Organizational Success.
• Effective Feedback and Objective Performance Assessment.
• Personal Growth, Learning Support and Skill Development.
• Performance Measurement, Data-Driven Insights and Realistic Targets.
• Proactive Issue Resolution and  Collaborative Improvement Plans.
• Recognizing Excellence, Motivating Through Incentives and Celebrating Achievements.
• Transparent Communication, Regular Feedback and Constructive Dialogue.
• Streamlined Processes, Data-Driven Insights and Technology-Enabled Performance

Category Diploma Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity publishers
ISBN: 978-9914-9670-7-4
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 90



Performance Management diploma level is a user-friendly guide designed to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of performance management for individuals who are new to the field. The book covers the basic principles and concepts of performance management, including goal setting, feedback and evaluation. It offers practical tips and techniques for effectively managing employee performance and improving productivity. Readers will gain an understanding of the importance of clear communication, setting performance expectations and providing constructive feedback.

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