Telecommunication Networks in Telecommunication Engineering Diploma Level


This book contain the following topics:

• Introduction to Telecommunication Networks
• Network Protocols and Standards
• Network Components and Devices
• Network Topologies and Architectures
• Network Security and Management
• Wireless Communication Technologies
• Internet of Things (IoT) and Telecommunication Networks
• Emerging Trends in Telecommunication Networks

Category: Certificate Level Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity Publishers
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 106


Embark on an electrifying journey through the intricate realm of telecommunication engineering with this comprehensive guide tailored for scholars pursuing a diploma in the field. From foundational concepts to cutting-edge technologies, this book illuminates the pathways of telecommunication networks, with a dynamic blend of theory and hands-on applications that will captivate learners and propel them towards mastery in this evolving industry.

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