Wants and Needs in Negotiation and Conflict Management Diploma Level

KSh 3,000.00

This book contains the following topics:

• Understanding Wants and Needs in Negotiation
• Psychological Aspects of Wants and Needs
• Techniques for Identifying Wants and Needs
• Integrating Wants and Needs into Negotiation Strategies
• Cultural Influences on Wants and Needs
• Conflict Resolution through Addressing Wants and Needs
• Ethical Considerations in Addressing Wants and Needs
• Emerging Trends in Managing Wants and Needs

Category: Diploma Level Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity Publishers
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 100


Wants and Needs in Negotiation and Conflict Management explores the critical distinction between desires and necessities in resolving disputes. This book provides strategies for identifying underlying needs, balancing interests, and achieving mutually beneficial outcomes. By understanding the psychology of negotiation, it guides readers in navigating complex conflicts with empathy and clarity. This essential resource equips professionals with tools to turn impasses into opportunities for collaboration and growth.

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