What Adolescent Counselling Really Entails
There are more adolescents in the world than ever before: 1.2 billion, totaling one sixth of the global population. This number is expected to rise through 2050, particularly in low- and middle-income countries where close to 90% of 10- to 19-year-olds live. An estimated 1.1 million adolescents die each year.
Adolescence can be one of the most emotionally turbulent times in a person’s life. Hormones, changing responsibilities, the rewiring of the brain, and difficult social and emotional situations can all take a toll on the emotional wellbeing of even the healthiest teen.
It is the transient period from dependent childhood to self-sufficient adulthood. It is a period of rapid physical and biological changes, which may lead to confusion, tension, frustration and feeling of insecurity.
The Importance of Adolescent Counselling
Adolescence stage of any child can be extremely difficult and confusing. With fluctuations in moods, most kids tend to withdraw when they reach their adolescence. During this period, they also become more aware of their bodies and their sexuality.
Adolescent counsellors are professionals who have been trained on how to listen to young adults and to address different things an adolescent might be going through. At the same time, they provide feedback to adolescents on how they should handle themselves amidst all the changes that they are going through (Michael,2016).
Unfortunately, about 4 in 10 teenagers become seriously depressed each year. That alone is a shocking figure, but in light of developmental changes and the numerous pressures on young people, those affected and in need of therapy can be much higher, hence the need for counselling aimed towards adolescents.
When to get help
If you are a young person and feel sad most of the time and this is affecting your work at school, relationships with friends or family, or you feel like you’re just not being you then you should really talk to someone.
The same applies if you are feeling worried about your drug or alcohol use, stress and strain. Also if you are worried about personality changes, depression or any other pressures.
Where to turn
Accepting you need help is a first step, telling someone is the next and getting help today couldn’t be easier. You could speak to a parent, career, teacher, school nurse, or a trusted adult. They will then help you to take the next steps. If they don’t, tell someone else, trust your instincts that you feel down and require assistance.
Some of the Available Counselling Methods
Interactive Counselling Workshops
Interactive counselling workshops are often performed with the main intention of counselling groups of young adults all at once. During such workshops, adolescents participate in different one on one and interactive activities like talks, games and other practical sessions. At the same time, young adults are given information talks about adolescence and peer pressure.
One-on-One Counselling: One-on-One adolescent counselling involves having the adolescent attend counselling sessions. Often, this form of counselling is advised in the event a parent has concerns about their child and/or about transitioning into adolescents or who has been influenced negatively by different factors during this very fragile stage.
Adolescents Counselling Techniques
Create a Safe Space
One of the most important ways to let a teen open up is to create a space that is safe, private, and gives them your full attention. If they are free from distraction and focus on family discussion and togetherness, this will create a guaranteed time and day that they have the family’s full attention.
Show Interest
Showing interest and asking questions when things are good will create an atmosphere of trust. If you are short on time, then create a situation where you work together with your teen on some of the household responsibilities.
Admit When You’re Wrong
Admitting when you’re wrong and making certain that they understand that you both must take responsibilities for your actions can keep your teen on a healthy path. In many cases, it also means that they are more forgiving of themselves when they make mistakes as well.
Deep Listening
Oftentimes when a youth has an issue and needs to connect with and adult, listening on the adults’ part is a core ingredient for whether or not the youth feel heard.
Deep Listening is the practice of bringing ones’ awareness to the present moment with and attitude of the non-judgmental attitude.
Goal setting
Goal setting is a great way to get teens to think about their future. It’s great to get youth to think both about long-term and short-term goals. Help them develop the overall long-term vision, devise a specific goal, and then develop short-term goals that can contribute to their long-term goal.
Facts about Adolescent Counselling
Adolescent counselling is not only for adolescents with personality or behavioral issues but is for any child undergoing adolescence who may be confused or overwhelmed.
It is crucial for any young adult as it could help them understand the changes they are going through and who they are becoming as it addresses basic aspects pertaining to adolescence.
To learn more, enroll in Adolescent Counselling at Finstock Evarsity College.