Social media marketing is critical in this century for any business, big or small, to grow to its full potential. It does not matter if you run a small local shop or a big national company. Social media is more than just a trend.
Many people are still stuck in the mindset that social media is not right for their particular business. Excuses include “My business is too small,” “My business is not interesting enough,” or the popular, “I do not know how I would use social media for my business.” We are here to tell you that no matter what your business or your experience level are, a social media presence can and will help you spread the word about your brand! It is an essential piece of your business marketing strategy. These powerful platforms are transforming how businesses interact with customers, advertise, sell goods and services, and operate overall.
Every day the social media industry is growing and it is not going to end anytime soon, and so your business has to take advantage of using these platforms. You can reach existing and potential customers easily and use social media as a fast, inexpensive and highly effective way to grow your business.
Reasons Why You Should Use Social Media Marketing
1. Social Media Platforms Are Free To Join.

It costs nothing to join most social media platforms. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter among other social media platforms have no entry cost. With such, you will be able to engage with potential customers through the content you publish without having to spend any money.
However, if you do want to take it to the next step and pay for further promotion, you can boost your content and this will ensure you can reach even more potential customers and the cost is still relatively low compared to most marketing strategies.
3. Reaching Potential Customers Has Never Been Easier

Most of your customers are already on social media. A business on social media gives your company access to this unprecedented connectivity, exposure, and influence.
With just a few clicks you gain access to vast networks of millions of potential customers.
3. Social Media Enables Your Business to Get Exposure, Traffic and Market Insights
Social platforms have successfully broken down barriers between companies and their customers. Most platforms come with inbuilt and user-friendly direct messaging function that allows users to contact businesses directly.

This eliminates the need for users to seek out your business’s contact details online and make a phone call or send an email. Instead of calling a customer service line, many people turn to Facebook or Twitter to solve problems or find information.
By replying to comments and messages you can easily connect and form a bond with your customers and increase traffic to your website
You can directly ask customers to review your business and to like, share, or comment and through that, you can identify the customer’s feelings about your brand or product.
4. Social Media Creates Attention and Builds Awareness
Social platforms can help you connect with your customers, increase awareness about your brand, and boost your leads and sales.

Social media boosts your visibility among potential customers, letting you reach a wide audience by using a large amount of time and effort. Just like your current customers, your potential customers are on social media too. Every time you create a post on social media, you are creating an opportunity to reach new clients as well as build awareness of your brand.
5. Social Media Helps Establish Brands as Subject Matter Experts

If you regularly share content from the best industry sources in your field, people will notice and you will become a content curator—a person that is known for finding and sharing the highest valued blogs, videos and articles related to your audience. If you write blog posts for your business and share those on social media that will enhance your credibility and authority even more–demonstrating you are the expert people should trust.
6. Social media helps counter competition

Want to stand out from your competitors? Get live customer service through your social media and you will surpass them in no time. If you hope to stay competitive in today’s market you will need to take your business to the next level and turn social media into a strategy that creates brand awareness and turns online relationships into sales.
Build a Foundation of Social Media Skills for Your Business
Not sure where to start? If you are looking to learn how to use social media marketing to grow your business, Finstock Evarsity College has the perfect course for you.
Enroll and study in the course