When you tell someone that they need to start physical training or a workout program, most people will give excuses such as lack of money to pay for the gym, cannot afford a personal trainer, being on a diet being costly, and many others, but all these excuses should not hinder you from your fitness journey.
RunRepeat conducted a study to discover how gym members have adapted especially after the pandemic, how they plan to achieve their fitness goals. According to the study, only 15.18% of gym members plan on utilizing their gym membership to achieve fitness. People are finding other ways to fulfill their fitness goals, such as running, doing outdoor activities, using at-home workout equipment, and participating in online fitness courses and classes.
Have you seen people jogging in the morning and wondered why they are so motivated? Well, many people think that these people workout so hard to get a particular body shape. But there is more to physical training than just gaining a particular body shape.
Physical training is not about a gym or a personal trainer. Anyone can do it on their own by doing some of the basic exercise like morning runs, jogging, simple squats and simple stretches.
Here are some of the benefits of physical training in this modern age.
New research from the University of Milan in Italy showed that a 12-week stretching regimen improved blood flow, lowered blood pressure, and decreased the stiffness of arteries. Good blood flow leads to less damage on artery walls and may mean a lower risk for heart attacks and strokes. People with stiff arteries often have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and/or inflammation.
Muscle stretches improves their ability to extract oxygen from blood therefore reducing the heart’s strain to pump more blood. Related courses:
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Improves general body fitness and appearance.
Endurance of physical activities increase your breathing and heart rate. This keeps your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy and improve your overall fitness.
Physical training aids in better muscle functioning and flexibility of joints thus improving joint movement, it also keeps the body in shape by burning out unnecessary fats.
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Fitting regular exercise into your daily schedule may seem difficult at first. But you can start slowly and break your exercise time into chunks. Even doing ten minutes at a time is fine. You can work your way up to doing huge amounts of exercise later. If you are determined to start your physical training journey and wondering where to start, enroll today here at Finstock Evarsity college where we offer fitness and dance classes at affordable prices. we are located at Skymax gym in Shujaa mall next to Sossian Estate Embakasi.
For more information for more information, Call/WhatsApp 0713303722.
You can also email info@finstockevarsity.com

Improves one’s mental health.
People these days are more stressed and depressed than any times human beings ever lived, people are looking for alternatives to try and fix their stressful situations and the alternatives are not very nice for them in fact, they are making the situation worse since the alternatives are things like drugs and other sources of happiness which are not as effective. Exercises such as simple stretches boost one’s self-esteem and mood and they help alleviate negative attitude, thoughts and feelings. Related courses: Basics In Guidance and Counselling Diploma in Public Health NutritionPrevents heart diseases and disorders.

Improves general body fitness and appearance. ![]()