Benefits of cardiovascular activity.

Cardiovascular activity is commonly referred to as aerobic exercise and it is generally any activity that gets your blood pumping and large muscle groups active.

The exercises involved are not as complex as the name seems in fact, they are accessible to anyone, some of these cardiovascular activities include:

  • Brisk walking
  • Swimming
  • Running
  • Cycling

Health experts strongly suggest for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a day. Some of the goodies of cardio:

1 . Weight loss.

Cardio machines such like treadmills can aid you burn hundreds of calories in one session of aerobic exercises alone without involvement of diet.

Depending on your weight and speed, at least jog or walk up to 4 miles to burn 400-600 calories this reduces the amount of exercise needed to lose the same amount of weight.

If you would like to start your weight loss journey, enroll for a gym instructor course at Finstock Evarsity college, to enroll click on the link below:

Gym Instructor course

2 . Strengthening your immune system.

Research conducted at Pennsylvania state university to examine active and sedentary women the impact of cardiovascular activity on their immune systems.

  • One group exercised on a treadmill for 30 minutes.
  • Another group did a burst of intense activity for over 30 seconds.
  • The last group did not exercise.

The women had their blood taken before and after at different intervals in the days after the exercise session. Results showed that regular and moderate aerobic exercises lead to an increase of a certain antibody known as immunoglobulin which ultimately strengthens the immune system . The sedentary group saw no improvement in immune system functioning.

If you would like to learn more ways to strengthen your immune system you can consider enrolling for a course in basics in Telemedicine here at Finstock Evarsity college, to start click on the link below,

Basics In Telemedicine

 3.Improved brain power.

The brain starts losing tissues after you reach the age of 30 however scientists have disclosed that cardiovascular activities slow this loss and improve cognitive performance. This means that cardiovascular activity does both your body and brain good.

You can consider learning more about the brain and health as a whole by enrolling at Finstock Evarsity college by clicking this link:

Diploma in Public Health Nutrition

4 . Reduce the risk of falling.

One in every three persons above the age of 65 fall each year this can lead to broken bones or even create a lifelong injury. Aerobic exercise can reduce this risk as results from a study indicated that women from ages 72 to 87 involved in aerobic dance had better balance and agility therefore reducing the risk of falling.

You can also enhance this by enrolling for a dance class at Finstock Evarsity college, to start click on the link below.

Dance and Choreography Lessons

5. Improves cardiovascular health.

As the name itself, cardiovascular activities strengthens your heart and also helps lower blood pressure, keeping arteries clear by raising high density lipoprotein cholesterol and lowering low density lipoprotein.

You can learn more by enrolling for a course in Public Health at Finstock Evarsity college.  To enroll click on this link:

Certificate In Public Health

With that said, to begin aerobic exercise you do not necessarily need a gym or fancy equipment all you need is to start from where you are by simple daily exercises like walking, around your neighborhood or evening jogging with your pet. Other effective ways of accessing aerobic exercises for free or at a cheaper price:

  • Community centers
  • Browsing online sites

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