5 Habits that can improve your life

Are you waking up every day and trying to find a better way to improve your life because you currently dislike it? You may have heard of someone who killed himself or herself probably because they did not like how their lives were. For example, in Kenya a man hanged himself because he felt he was failing in life. Your life is the sum of the habits you choose to do every day. According to the coaching federation the life coach business has lately increased tremendously at 33% worldly. This shows how much people are looking for means and ways to improve their lives. Improvement may be done in different areas. These areas may include financial, emotionally, mentally even physically among others.

Here are 5 habits to improve your life.

  1. Planning your day.

Planning your day, the night before reduces the amount of decisions you make in the morning. Before going to sleep, think of the things you need to do the next day. List them down in a note book or excel sheet so that when you wake up you already know what you expect of your day.  If you don’t know how to use an excel sheet you may learn how to use it by registering for the course ADVANCED EXCEL TRAINING (EXCEL) – ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE – FINSTOCK EVARSITY COLLEGE.

  1. Create a morning routine.

Ensure you have a routine when you wake up. There is a 20/20/20 routine that enables you to plan the first 60 minutes that you wake up. It indicates that for 20 minutes you should move by exercising or even dancing, the next 20 minutes you should reflect by meditating, journaling or praying and the next 20 minutes you should learn something new so that you grow as an individual. Your body works best when you have a routine. Establishing a routine helps to maintain balance and regulating pressure. You may learn how to regulate pressure from the Finstock course MANAGING PRESSURE AND MAINTAINING BALANCE (MPMB) – LEADERSHIP – FINSTOCK EVARSITY COLLEGE . Most wealthy people wake up early, exercise and meditate

  1. Follow the 60/10 rule

The 60/10 rule states that for every 60 minutes of intense work you should take a rest of 10 minutes. This ensures that you do not get exhausted and burnout. Once you get exhausted or burnout you are unable to effectively and efficiently do any task.

  1. Do the simple tasks immediately

As you are going on with your daily activities do tasks that take 5 minutes or less immediately. This reduces the amount of tasks that you are required to do. For example, if you have planned for 10 tasks in a day and 5 of them are simple tasks that would take up a total of 25 minutes. These tasks should be done first so that you remain with the other 5 tasks that would take longer.

  1. Get enough rest

Your body needs enough rest. Scientist recommend 6-8hours of sleep. You should also sleep early and at the same time every day. This will enable you to wake up early the next day. Treat your life as an important project that you need to manage. Learn how to manage projects from the course PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION (PMP) – PMI – FINSTOCK EVARSITY COLLEGE.


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