5 ultimate ways to strategically improve your life

Have you ever felt that you need to improve your life? It can feel frustrating to be stuck within the same place and feel like nothing is changing. It seems like you’re not moving forward toward your goals. One of the ways to break this rut is to take action. Making a conscious decision to improve yourself can be empowering and motivating. But self-improvement sometimes gets a nasty rap. Our desire to enhance ourselves has spawned an industry full of bad hacks that can leave you feeling more frustrated than before. Or, that feel good but don’t move you forward. Working to enhance yourself can positively impact your own well-being and your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.You may want to improve on your health, your fitness or even going green. According to Forbes 77% of people want to learn how to live more sustainably and 93% of the people in a certain research, indicated general concern for the environment.
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, improve means to enhance in value or quality. This basically means to make something or someone better. I know every day I want to improve different aspects of my life. Improving your life does not happen in a day. You have to make the decision to do a lot of simple things consistently so as to make it better. Aristotle stated that to be excellent, we cannot simply think or feel excellent, we must act excellently.
Improving your life can seem like a big task, however we have created a simple guide on how you can do this easily.
1.Establish a vision.

A vision is the ability to think about a plan for your future. You may clearly know the vision of your company, but have you established the vision you have for your life? Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Whether it is in health, fitness, career or relationship, establishing a vision is important. Establishing a vison enables you to know where you are going. It is like when you want to go for a vacation. You have to a specify on the place you will want to go so that you are able to book an air ticket or bus ticket and also make other prior plans like packing appropriate clothing for the vacation.
2.Establish actions that align to your vision
It is not enough to just have a vision and not work on implementing it. There is a Japanese proverb that states “Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” You need actions that will support your vision. Organize your life by writing down actions that compliment your vision. For example, if you want to lose weight, start by looking up for the gyms or sports clubs near you and then register in one of them. As you establish your daily actions, ensure you plan your day while taking advantage of the moments you have most energy. You may also define the top three most important tasks for the day to move you towards achieving your goal.
3.Have an accountability partner
As the African saying states that if you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far go together. You need support to enable you achieve your goal. When you are the only one accountable, you are much more likely to procrastinate. This is the reason you will notice Basketballers have a coach and singers have producers. Accountability partners enable you manage your time and performance even when you lack motivation.
4.Learn something

Make a point to learn something new each day. You may buy yourself a book on a topic that is aligned with your vision. There are a lot of books that are focused on the different areas of our lives. These books may be self-help books or books written by people who have succeeded in the particular area you are focused on. You may also consider taking up a course. There are many online courses being offered by different organizations such as Finstock Evarsity. One of the most common traits between successful people is their habit of continuous learning.
5.Evaluate your progress
Tracking your progress is important. Depending on the goal, you may do this on a daily or weekly basis using an excel sheet. This will enable you to see how far you have progressed and how much further you need to go. Therefore, you will be able to appreciate your accomplishments no matter how small they may seem. Make sure you avoid comparing yourself to others, focus on being better that you were yesterday.