6 Skills You Gain from Enrolling a Diploma in Business Management

The number of Kenyans out of work has doubled despite the economy growing. According to statista the unemployment rate of the first quarter in 2021 was 6.6%. This may discourage you from enrolling to any course because you may say why should you go to school yet you will be unemployed.

Apart from looking forward to being employed, you may gain skills as you learn. Also, you are able to stand out after graduating when you indicate these skills in your CV/resume. This skills section in your CV/resume shows employers that you have abilities required to succeed in the role. Listing your skills whether hard or soft will help your CV stand out from the rest and enable you to move on to the next step of hiring. When you enroll for a diploma in business management course you may gain skills such as;

  1. Communication

Communication is the act of transferring information from one place to another. It may be vocal, written, visual or non-verbal. You may need this skill when you are presenting your reports or findings or communicating ideas. Also, this skill enables you to observe and empathize and write reports.

  1. Managerial Skills

Managerial skills are abilities that an executive should possess in order to fulfill specific tasks. They include relationship management, planning, prioritization, critical thinking and industry knowledge. When you are in management position, you require this skill to govern both tasks and people so as to reach a shared goal. A good manager is organized and communicates clearly to support a team or project.

  1. Accounting

Accountancy is a core part of business. Most business rely on accounting skills to keep the cash flowing, books balanced and people paid. An accountant requires to be a good time manager, problem-solver, have a strong attention to detail and an active listener. An accountant should be able to manage payroll, able to forecast budget and understand the tax rules and regulations. Register for Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants course to learn more about accounting.

  1. Research

Research skill is the ability to find and evaluate useful information related to a specific topic. Therefore, you are able to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. When you research you are able to gather information about a topic, review the information and analyze and interpret the results in a way to support your solution.

  1. Marketing

Marketing skill is the ability to identify, anticipate and satisfy customer requirements profitably. Therefore, you are able tot sell products or services to customers. These will help boost sales and profits. Thus, growing a business. Learn about digital marketing by enrolling for a digital marketing course.

  1. Financial Management

Financial management skill is the ability to apply management principles to financial resources to better manage them. Therefore, you are able to plan, organize, direct and control the financial activities of an organization. This skill also helps you manage your funds, save for emergencies and invest in securing your future. To learn more about financial management, you ca register for a certificate in banking and finance.

Related blogs; How to manage your finances in your twenties – Finstock Evarsity resources  and 6 best places to save your money – Finstock Evarsity resources

In conclusion, you are able to gain a lot of skills when you enroll for a course in business management. Finstock Evarsity, an online learning platform offers the course diploma in business management (dbm) – school of business – Finstock Evarsity college. Click on the link to register for the course. Other related courses include; basics in business management (frbm) – free courses – Finstock Evarsity college, certificate in business management (cbm) – school of business – Finstock Evarsity college, project management professional certification (pmp) – pmi – Finstock Evarsity college, acca – international courses – Finstock Evarsity college and certificate in digital marketing (dm1) – school of business – Finstock Evarsity college.


Why should you have extra skills?

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