Category: E-learning

Role of Taekwondo in Community Building and Social Development

Role of Taekwondo in Community Building and Social Development Taekwondo, a martial art that originated in Korea, has a rich history and cultural significance. It is not only a physical practice, but also a discipline that teaches self-control, respect, and self-defense. These values, when applied to community building and social development, can have a powerful […]

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Tips for Designing a Simple and Fancy Flower Garden

Tips for Designing a Simple and Fancy Flower Garden Flowers bring out the beauty of a home, park and a garden in a fancier and attractive way. Everyone loves sitting out and seeing the beauty of a homemade flower garden. Flower gardening has become a much loved passion in the recent times. There are a […]

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Difference between Taekwondo and Karate

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TAEKWONDO AND KARATE A lot of people get confused and caught up having a hard time differentiating Korean Taekwondo and Japanese Karate. Worry no more because in this article we are going to be discussing more in details about the two types of martial arts. Korean Taekwondo emphasizes more on kicking and uses […]

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6 Business You Can Start with Small Amount of Money

6 Business You Can Start with Small Amounts of Money Starting a Business: 6 Ideas Starting a business can seem like a daunting task, especially if you don’t have a lot of money to invest. However, there are many businesses that can be started with minimal investment and can be built into successful ventures over […]

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5 Reasons to Pursue Diploma in Electrical Engineering at Finstock Evarsity College

5 Reasons to Pursue Diploma in Electrical Engineering at Finstock Evarsity College Imagine a life without electricity. You can’t even begin to imagine it, can you? And I mean that literally: you can’t start imagining, because you can’t read this article, because you don’t have a functioning computer or smartphone to read it on. Electrical […]

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Why Computer Skills Are Necessary in Day-to-Day Life

Why Computer Skills Are Necessary in Day-to-Day Life Computer Skills Necessity Computer skills have become an essential part of our daily lives in the 21st century. From communicating with friends and family to finding information, completing tasks, and conducting business, computers play a crucial role in our personal and professional lives. If you are unfamiliar with […]

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How You Can Use Your Taekwondo Skills to Earn Money

How You Can Use Your Taekwondo Skills to Earn Money Taekwondo is a martial art that has been gaining popularity in recent years. Not only is it an excellent way to stay in shape and learn self-defense, but it can also be a great way to make money. Here are a few ways you can […]

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The Best Ways to Take Notes

The Best Ways to Take Notes Note-taking is the best way of study and choosing the best style can make a difference in blitzing a subject. Writing better note is an assurance of good grades. It helps you feel confident about your studies, and you will be streets ahead of your college peers. Below are […]

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How to Cope with Academic Burnouts

How to Cope with Academic Burnouts As a student, it is common to feel exhausted, less motivated, irritable, and less inspired from time to time. The best way to deal with this condition is recognizing and acknowledging the condition followed by serious commitment to change your current habits. Below as some of the things you […]

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5 Reasons why Sex Education is Important

5 Reasons why Sex Education is Important Some parents would rather die than talk to their children about sex. It seems exaggerated but that is the truth. Most parents avoid having a candid talk with their children and they leave it for the world to teach the children about sex.  What most parents would not […]

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