Effective Ways To Manage Anxiety

Stress and anxiety affect everyone at one point. They manifest differently in different people, and the level of anxiety one feels varies, but one thing is certain: there are ways to manage anxiety, even if it feels out of control.

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, uneasiness, or nervousness that may vary from mild to severe. It is a normal reaction to stress and fear.

It is a common experience for many people however there are some factors that greatly promote anxiety, these include genetics, levels of social support, and personality type. Research shows that healthcare professionals, people of color, and LGBTQ individuals are more likely to have higher stress levels.

With that said about anxiety, there are ways in which it can be managed.

1 . Involve yourself in physical activities.

When feeling worked up and anxious it is good for you to indulge in physical activities a six-week study in 185 university students found that participating in aerobic exercises two days per week significantly reduced overall perceived stress also the training improved self-reported depression.

Many other studies also conclude that involvement in physical activities helps reduce stress levels and improve mood. You can consider enrolling in dance classes at Finstock Evarsity college . To get started click on this link

Dance and Choreography Lessons

2 . Stick to a healthy diet.

Your diet affects not only your physical health but also your mental wellness. Studies show that people who follow diets high in ultra-processed foods and added sugar are more likely to experience higher perceived anxiety and stress levels.

Being chronically anxious may lead you to overeat and reach for highly palatable foods which may harm your overall health and mood furthermore not eating enough nutrient-dense food may increase your risk of deficiency in essential nutrients for regulating stress and mood. Minimizing the intake of highly processed foods and beverages and focusing more on eating whole foods helps ensure that your body is properly nourished in turn this may increase your stress.

We have a course that can help you in your healthy diet journey,  to get started click on the link below

Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics

3 . Consider using supplements.

 Some vitamins and minerals play an essential role in your body’s stress response and mood regulation therefore their deficiency may affect your mental health and your ability to cope with stress. Some studies show that certain dietary supplements may help reduce anxiety and stress levels for instance when stressed your magnesium levels become depleted since this mineral plays an important role in your body’s stress response thus you should make sure you are getting enough.

Supplementing with magnesium has been proven to improve stress in chronically stressed people. An eight-week study of 264 people with low magnesium found that taking 300mg of this mineral daily helped reduce stress levels. Other supplements including Rhodiola, ashwagandha, B vitamins, and L-theanine also have been shown to aid in stress regulation however you should consult a healthcare professional before you get into using these supplements.

To learn more about supplements and know which are the best sources to get supplements,  you can consider enrolling for a course in telemedicine at Finstock Evarsity college. To get started click on the link below

Basics In Telemedicine

4 . Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a practice that allows you to forget about the past and worries of the future and allows you to live in the moment.

Stress and anxiety reduction techniques that utilize mindfulness meditation and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.

Regular meditation even for short periods may aid in boosting your mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety.

You can take a course at Finstock Evarsity college which will help you understand how your mind and bodywork.  To enroll click on this link.

Basics In Psychology

For more information, you can visit our website at www.finstockevarsity.com or email us at info@finstockevarsity.com

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