A recent study conducted by Cisco global survey shows that 74% of patients prefer easy access to healthcare services over in-person interactions with providers. In today’s healthcare world, convenience is key and this is one of the advantages of telemedicine.

Telemedicine offers healthcare using digital devices such as smartphones and computers. In most cases, telemedicine uses video conferencing. However, some providers choose to offer care via phone messaging or email. Telemedicine is popular with patients due to its many advantages. Here are a few:

No transportation time or costs

With telemedicine, you don’t have to drive to the doctor’s office when you’re sick. A virtual visit saves you money on gas, parking and public transportation.

No need to take time from work

How is Telemedicine Beneficial to Patients

Virtual visits reduce the need to take time off. You can schedule your visit before or after work or during a break. You can follow your doctor’s follow-up instructions and maintain your health without missing a day of work.

Eliminate child or elder care issues

Most people have the responsibility for caring for older adults or children. Finding alternative care so that you can see the doctor can be difficult and expensive at times. Bringing them with you can be stressful or impractical. Fortunately, telemedicine allows you to see your doctor while upholding your family responsibilities.

On-demand options

An increasingly number of physician’s practices are offering telemedicine these days, so there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to see your regular doctor virtually. If you can’t, but still need remote access to care, there are a number of online-only, on-demand options on the market today who can tackle a wide variety of problems. Some insurance companies also pay for this type of care.

Access to Specialists

Some patients who need the care of a specialist must drive or fly long distances and invest a lot of time for each visit. Telemedicine makes it possible for you and your primary care physician to leverage the expertise of specialists who are not nearby. When it comes to serious or chronic health issues, you want to consult with the best, not the closest.

Less Chance of Catching a New Illness

Going to the doctor’s office means being around people who may be sick, often in close quarters. This can be particularly dangerous for people with underlying conditions or weak immune systems. Telemedicine removes the risk of picking up an infection at the doctor’s office.

Better Patient Care Quality and Health

When you are able to see your doctor as often as you need to, you can practice better management of your lifestyle, medication, and any chronic conditions you might have.

Telemedicine offers patient-centered approaches, such as improved timeliness of care. This is crucial to quality patient care. Patients can address healthcare issues quickly with real-time urgent care consultations and learn about treatment options within minutes.

Preventive care

Telemedicine may make it easier for people to access preventive care that improves their long-term health. This is particularly true for people with financial or geographic barriers to quality care. For instance, a 2012 study of people with coronary artery disease found that preventive telemedicine improved health outcomes.

Improved access to care

Telemedicine makes it easier for people with disabilities to access care. It can also improve access for other populations, including older adults, people who are geographically isolated, and those who are incarcerated.

Patient visits are advancing beyond the limits of physical presence and space. At Finstock Evaristy College, we offer Basics in Telemedicine that covers the evolution of telemedicine in primary care, best practices for patient care in the digital environment, and strategies for effective patient encounters. Follow the link below to apply. Happy learning.

Basics in Telemedicine

Basics in Telemedicine

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