Applied Biological Sciences in Nutrition and Dietetics Certificate Level


This book contain the following topics:

• Biochemistry of Macronutrients
• Nutrient Absorption and Transport
• Food Chemistry and Preservation
• Thermodynamics of Metabolism
• Nutritional Bioenergetics
• Food Microbiology
• Food Toxicology
• Analytical Techniques in Food Science

Category: Professional Level Book
Publisher: Finstock Evarsity Publishers
Authors: CPA John Kimani, Dr. James Scott
Pages: 88


The book accompanying the course Applied Physical Sciences in Nutrition and Dietetics” serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the scientific principles that govern nutrition and dietetics practices. Covering a range of topics including food chemistry,microbiology, and thermodynamics, the book provides in-depth insights into the intricate relationship between physical sciences and human nutrition. Readers will explore the bio- chemical composition of macronutrients, mechanisms of nutrient absorption and transport

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