Chemistry Form Three Textbook Hard Copy

KSh 600.00

Chemistry is a fascinating subject that provides insights into the composition, structure, and properties of matter. For Form Three students in Kenya, the Chemistry textbook is an essential tool for mastering the concepts and principles of the subject. This hard copy textbook covers a wide range of topics, including elements, compounds, mixtures, chemical reactions, acids, bases, and salts. With clear and concise explanations, vivid illustrations, and practical examples, this Chemistry textbook is designed to make learning both enjoyable and effective. It is the most recommended and widely used textbook for  Three Chemistry students in Kenya, and with its accessible language and comprehensive coverage, it is sure to continue to be a top seller for years to come.


The Form 3 chemistry book is a book prepared by expert chemistry teachers and qualified examiners. This book follows the rules of the Kenyan Curriculum. The book has a wide range of topics including; chemical equations, extraction of metals, hardness of water and volumetric analysis. Each chapter is structured in a simple language with detailed explanations of concepts, accompanied by relevant examples, illustrations and diagrams.

In addition to the core content, the book contains helpful features such as key terms, objectives, summaries and revision questions. These futures provide learners with a handy reference guide for revision and exam preparation.

This is an excellent resource for learners studying for learners studying chemistry at the secondary level. It provides a solid foundation in the subject and prepares learners for further studies in chemistry.

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