The aim of every student when joining campus is to get good grades, graduate and land a good job. However, in some cases, students do not meet these goals.
Have you ever wondered why some students do well in exams and others fail terribly? It is not that they are stupid .Rather, there is a high probability that if a student fails in an exam, there could be factors behind it.
Every time someone fails a class or gets a poor grade on an exam, the first thing people say is “he or she didn’t prepare well.” But is “lack of preparation” the only reason students fail? According to a recent study, 68 percent of students arrive at their examinations well-prepared, but only 22 percent emerge with an excellent grade.

Below are some of the reasons why student fail exams
1. Procrastination and laziness
“I will do this tomorrow “is one of the things that draw students back in their students. If a student keeps pushing his exam revision date to a later date, they end up not doing it in the end.
Though a student is aware that they have a paper due the following day, they choose not to read.
“I’ll read early in the morning,” the student tells himself.
In the morning, the student panics because he has so many papers to go through and he can’t possibly read them all in the allotted time. During the exam, the student feels that he is not well prepared and with this mindset, he is not able to do the exams well.
To improve on this weakness, a student can take a short course on performance management at Finstock Evarsity College.
2. Poor time management
The ability to manage one’s time effectively is essential for every student in order to keep up with all of their obligations (Study, homework, family, social time and much more). However, majority of students do not, and as a result, they perform poorly on tests and exams.
Students with poor time management skills find themselves lagging in their school work and therefore tend to cram and crash-read. They take one or two nights during the semester and try to learn as much as possible in a short period of time.
Yes, a students’ brain can be so sharp that it takes all that the student throw at it, but have you ever wondered why the school curriculum decided to spread the entire semester course work over a span of months?
Being able to manage time helps students prioritize on important things as well as organize themselves on how they will do things. A student is able to keep track of things done and things not done and allocate time to them accordingly.
To deal with weakness, you can read more about time management at Finstock Evarsity College
3. Wrong mindset
“I am not good in Calculus and the questions are always hard. I do not think I will be able to answer the questions”. This is one of the mindsets a student should not have when preparing for an exam or before doing an exam.
What you believe is what you poses. Before entering an exam, there is a need for a student to believe in himself. A student cannot think of himself as a failure and expect his results to reflect the opposite.
Having a positive mindset comes a long way in helping a student gain confidence with himself. Lack of confidence makes him believe his answers are not correct and hence he tend to overthink even on simple questions.
4. Overconfidence
Confidence is a good thing, but if it becomes excessive, a student risks in missing out on important details.
Overconfident students sometimes think they know more than their lecturers. Regrettably, an overconfident student will not believe he is wrong even when he is. Just because a student is brilliant doesn’t mean he will notice every twist to a particular question or topic. Having a flexible mindset is essential if a student wants to succeed.
5. Peer influence
The people a student spend time with can have an impact on how much he values his education.
It is up to the friends to either inspire or discourage him. A student will care less about his grades if his friends don’t care if he succeeds or fails on his exams.
Friends who care about success will often remind him of important obligations such as reading, submitting his assignments on time, group discussions he need to attend, among other things.
Students can avoid the 5 pitfalls by treating exams activity as a project. This requires skills in project management which can be acquired from Finstock Evarsity College:

Diploma in project management:

Certificate in project management: