Did you know that only 24% of people engage themselves in reading on a daily basis? This shows us that 74% of people do not engage themselves in reading at all. At first reading books seems like a wastage of time and boring but with time as you get used to reading you find it easy and encouraging to read. The following are some of the main reasons why reading is important.

1. It stimulates the brain cell

You enhance your cerebral activity by reading every day. Several research have been undertaken in order to better understand the advantages of reading.
According to a study conducted by Rush University Medical Centre, one of the primary advantages of reading books is that it slows the progression of mental illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer’s . It occurs because reading stimulates and keeps the brain active, allowing it to retain its power and potential. Learn more about this diseases by enrolling in a short course Basics in Public Health at Finstock Evarsity College .Every component of our body, including our brain, requires exercise to keep healthy.
It gets regular activity from reading, which keeps it fit and healthy.

2. Helps with depression

Reading, particularly self-help literature, can help prevent depressed episodes. Reading stimulates the region of the brain that deals with depression, much as it does with lowering stress levels. Self-help books, which are full of advice on how to improve yourself and your mental state, can help alleviate depression. Reading books can be incredibly good for someone who is depressed but not to the point of needing medicine.

By reading, you are focusing on things other than the things that are causing your depression. Learn more on how to manage depression and managing pressure by enrolling for a short course “Managing pressure and maintaining Balance” at Finstock Evarsity College

3. Helps in improving concentration

We can all attest that reading requires a lot of focus, and that in order to completely comprehend the story, we must focus on each page we read. We must continuously train concentration and focus in a world where electronics are getting faster and our attention span is shrinking. Reading is one of the few hobbies that demands your entire attention, which improves your concentration.

4. Reading increases knowledge

Reading is one of the most common ways to learn new things. Your knowledge accumulates over time and grows exponentially. It is easier to learn new topics and tackle new challenges when you have a strong knowledge base. Reading a variety of novels will help you broaden your horizons.

5. It increases your vocabulary level

You come across a few words while reading that you do not completely understand or even recognize. This perplexity may prompt you to search up the word and learn its definition. Dictionaries, whether in print or electronic format, can help you understand a new word you do not recognize. The process of looking up the definition helps your brain remember the new and fascinating word because you did not know it before. Consider how far you have progressed in your vocabulary since you first learnt to read. You have learned a lot of new terms that sound more intelligent than when you first started reading. This goes hand in hand with improved communication skills. A related course that can also make you improve your vocabulary and grammar level is Proficiency in English Grammar being offered at Finstock Evarsity College.

6. Boots your level imagination

Reading can considerably expand your creativity, despite the fact that it is not one of the more common benefits. Think about the worlds you are involved in and the characters you meet when reading a book. The portion of your brain that houses your imagination is engaged by these worlds and characters, leading you to picture what the places and individuals seem like just by picturing the words.
When you first start reading a book, you usually do not have an image in your head. However, by the time you have finished the book, you will have a good idea of the entire world and characters that populate it. Reading books is beneficial to the brain since it stimulates it.

Reading cannot be limited to only the five reasons we have mentioned above. Reading has many more advantages. Increase your knowledge base by enrolling in various online courses offered at Finstock Evarsity College.
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