Certificate In Guidance And Counselling

Certificate In Guidance And Counselling (CIGC) is offered as a CERTIFICATE course examined by FINSTOCK EVARSITY COLLEGE. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of this course. For more information about this course, use the tabs below to navigate.

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Entry Requirements


Duration: 8 Months

Delivery Method: Online

Fee Structure

Full Course Fees
Registration Fee KES 1,000.00 ($ 10.00)
Certification Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Administration Fee KES 5,000.00 ($ 50.00)
Internal Exam Fee KES 10,000.00 ($ 100.00)
External Exam Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Examining Body Membership Fee * KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Tuition Fee KES 48,000.00 ($ 480.00)
Fees Totals KES 64,000.00 ($ 640.00)
* Examining Body Membership Fee may be payable through us or directly to the Examining Body

All Fees are payable in lumpusm or in installments, for details see below.
Breakdown per semester,

Trimester Total Per Trimester
Trimester 1KES 32,000.00 ($ 320.00)
Trimester 2KES 32,000.00 ($ 320.00)
TotalKES 64,000.00 ($ 640.00)

NB: Fees are payable in 3 installments as detailed below:

The trimester fees of KES 32,000.00 ($ 320.00) is payable in 3 installments of KES 10,666.67 ($ 106.67)

Course Requirements

All Fees are payable in installements, for details check FAQs

Practical Requirements (where applicable)

For courses that require practicals, a separate fee is chargable (not included in fee structure above) as follows:

  • Short courses - KES 5,000
  • Certificate courses - KES 7,500
  • Diploma courses - KES 10,000

Course Units/Overview



Module I

  • Introduction to counseling
  • Foundation of Social Counseling
  • Sociological Issues in Counseling
  • Theories of counseling
  • Effective counselor
  • Marriage counseling



Module II

  • Spiritual counseling
  • HIV/AIDS counseling
  • Adolescence counseling
  • Personal Development
  • Personality Dynamics
  • Loss and Grief

Unit IDUnit Name
CIGC101Introduction To Counseling
CIGC102Foundation Of Social Counseling
CIGC103Sociological Issues In Counseling
CIGC104Theories Of Counseling
CIGC105Effective Counselor
CIGC106Marriage Counseling
CIGC201Spiritual Counseling
CIGC203Adolescence Counseling
CIGC204Personal Development
CIGC205Personality Dynamics
CIGC206Loss And Grief
CIGC202HIV _Aids Counseling

Course Description

Certificate in guidance and counselling

Corse overview

Certificate in guidance and counselling is an accredited online course offered at Finstock Evarsity College. This course takes a period of 8 months and is examined by Finstock Evarsity College. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of the course.

The Certificate Guidance and Counselling is oriented to helping students understand themselves, become self-sufficient in making realistic and positive choices and grow in human relationships and concerns. The course clearly examines the fundamental psycho / educational and career development principles & theories which impact on Guidance. It requires considerable reading, independent study, team / group work and clarification of values exercises and active class participation.

Guidance and counseling services have much wider scope than merely assisting students in making educational and vocational choices. It helps the students in making the best possible adjustment to the situation in the educational institution and in the home. Moreover, the guidance as an integral part of our educational system and it facilitates overall development of students’ personality. It also a continuous process, aimed at assisting the students to make decision and personal adjustment from time to time.

Who should attend this course?

This programme is suitable for civil service professionals and those working with international organizations, Non- Governmental Organizations and corporations of all sizes who would like to increase their knowledge in this sector. This is programme is also recommended for high school graduates who would like to venture into the civil service, leadership, and governance

Minimum Entry Requirement.

Grade D-

Mode of Delivery

Home and/or office-based media employing a variety of self-instructional electronic and online self-study materials, such as; written self-instructional study modules, online interactive devices and self-tests, cloud-based content, videos of lectures mediated technical learning materials e.g., audiovisual and e-learning materials


Course Objectives

  • To systematize experiences and strengthen the professional competency of in- service teachers.
  • To develop an appreciation of the role of the teacher in the prevailing socio- cultural and political context in general and the educational system in particular.
  • To imbibe the knowledge and develop understanding of various methods and approache of organizing learning experiences of secondary school students.
  • To develop skills involved in dealing with academic and personal problems of learners.
  • To acquire knowledge and develop understanding about the various procedures and techniques of guidance and their classroom application.
  • To develop skills involved in selecting, developing and using guidance tools.
  • To develop competencies for organizing various instructional and student.

Skills gained

  • Active listening
  • Questioning
  • Note-taking
  • Interpretation
  • Nonverbal communication competency
  • Self-awareness
  • Emotional compartmentalization
  • Record keeping
  • Self-awareness

Career opportunities

  • policy analysist 
  • public administration at the constituency, county, and national level;
  • research,
  • corporate communications;
  • foreign affairs, intelligence;
  • journalism,
  • fund- raising and grant administration;
  • parliament and social analysis

Reasons why you should pursue this course

  • You seek meaningful work
  • You seek flexibility in your career.
  • There are strong job prospects for the industry.
  • It is a good way of exposure



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Course Instructor(s)


Examining Body



Q1. How many intakes are there?

There are three intakes in a year as follows:



Term Period


Registration Window

January Intake

Trimester 1

Jan 1 — Apr 30



May Intake

Trimester 2

May 1 — Aug 31



September Intake

Trimester 3

Sep 1 — Dec 31



Q2. In how many installments can I pay the fees?

Payments can be done in 3 installments as specified in the fee structure.

Q3. When can I sit for the exams?

  1. Internal exams are activated for students individually.
  2. External exams (where applicable) are booked one month after you complete the course.

Refer to the external examining body for more details and requirements before seating for their exams.

Q4: Is this college accredited/approved?

Yes. The college is approved under the ministry of education, through TVETA, and also through National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).

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