Certificate In Risk Management

Certificate In Risk Management (CIRM) is offered as a CERTIFICATE course examined by FINSTOCK EVARSITY COLLEGE. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of this course. For more information about this course, use the tabs below to navigate.

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Entry Requirements


Duration: 8 Months

Delivery Method: Online

Fee Structure

Full Course Fees
Registration Fee KES 1,000.00 ($ 10.00)
Certification Fee KES 1,000.00 ($ 10.00)
Administration Fee KES 10,000.00 ($ 100.00)
Internal Exam Fee KES 5,000.00 ($ 50.00)
External Exam Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Examining Body Membership Fee * KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Tuition Fee KES 36,000.00 ($ 360.00)
Fees Totals KES 53,000.00 ($ 530.00)
* Examining Body Membership Fee may be payable through us or directly to the Examining Body

All Fees are payable in lumpusm or in installments, for details see below.
Breakdown per semester,

Trimester Total Per Trimester
Trimester 1KES 26,500.00 ($ 265.00)
Trimester 2KES 26,500.00 ($ 265.00)
TotalKES 53,000.00 ($ 530.00)

NB: Fees are payable in 3 installments as detailed below:

The trimester fees of KES 26,500.00 ($ 265.00) is payable in 3 installments of KES 8,833.33 ($ 88.33)

Course Requirements

Practical Requirements (where applicable)

For courses that require practicals, a separate fee is chargable (not included in fee structure above) as follows:

  • Short courses - KES 5,000
  • Certificate courses - KES 7,500
  • Diploma courses - KES 10,000

Course Units/Overview

Certificate in Risk management helps in the the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.

Unit IDUnit Name
CIRM101Overview Of Risk Management
CIRM102Types Of Risk
CIRM103Risk Analysis
CIRM104Risk Identification
CIRM201Risk Evaluation And Management
CIRM202Financial Risk Management
CIRM203Operational Risk Management
CIRM204Legal And Political Risk Management
CIRM205Technological Risk Management

Course Description

Certificate in risk management

Course overview

Certificate in risk management is an accredited online course offered at Finstock Evarsity College which takes a duration of 8 months and is examined by Finstock Evarsity College. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of this course.

This outstanding Certificate in Risk Management (CRM) has been created for those looking to explore the basics of professional risk management. Along with covering the most important core principles and theoretical teachings, the course is packed with essential industry insights and explores the role risk management plays in public and private sectors alike.

Entry requirement

Grade D-

Mode of Delivery

Home and/or office-based media employing a variety of self-instructional electronic and online self-study materials, such as; written self-instructional study modules, online interactive devices and self-tests, cloud-based content, videos of lectures mediated technical learning materials e.g., audiovisual and e-learning materials

Program Objectives

  • Define risk from a wider scope of perspectives
  • Describe the process that the insurer goes through when insuring an exposure
  • Describe the basic requirements and characteristics of insurance contracts
  • State and define the most common sources of liability in society
  • Define the risks that all individual face throughout the life cycle

Career opportunities

  • Business Risk Manager
  • Risk Analyst.
  • Insurance Analyst.
  • Loss Control Representative.
  • Risk Consultant.
  • Risk Control Consultant.
  • Risk Management Consultant.
  • Risk Manager

Reasons why you should pursue this course

  • To enjoy the exciting career
  • To secure your future opportunities
  • To have a Legislative understanding
  • To become an entrepreneur

Why Risk management important

  • It creates a safe working environment for all staff
  • It prepares you for future risks
  • It reduces company liability
  • It helps you to see risks that are not apparent



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Course Instructor(s)


Examining Body



Q1. How many intakes are there?

There are three intakes in a year as follows:



Term Period


Registration Window

January Intake

Trimester 1

Jan 1 — Apr 30



May Intake

Trimester 2

May 1 — Aug 31



September Intake

Trimester 3

Sep 1 — Dec 31



Q2. In how many installments can I pay the fees?

Payments can be done in 3 installments as specified in the fee structure.

Q3. When can I sit for the exams?

  1. Internal exams are activated for students individually.
  2. External exams (where applicable) are booked one month after you complete the course.

Refer to the external examining body for more details and requirements before seating for their exams.

Q4: Is this college accredited/approved?

Yes. The college is approved under the ministry of education, through TVETA, and also through National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).

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