Finstock Evarsity English Bridging Course

Finstock Evarsity English Bridging Course (FEENG) is offered as a CERTIFICATE course examined by FINSTOCK EVARSITY COLLEGE. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of this course. For more information about this course, use the tabs below to navigate.

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Entry Requirements


Duration: 1 Months

Delivery Method: Online

Fee Structure

Full Course Fees
Registration Fee KES 1,000.00 ($ 10.00)
Certification Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Administration Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Internal Exam Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
External Exam Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Examining Body Membership Fee * KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Tuition Fee KES 20,000.00 ($ 200.00)
Fees Totals KES 21,000.00 ($ 210.00)
* Examining Body Membership Fee may be payable through us or directly to the Examining Body

All Fees are payable in lumpusm or in installments, for details see below.
Breakdown per semester,

Trimester Total Per Trimester
Trimester 1KES 21,000.00 ($ 210.00)
TotalKES 21,000.00 ($ 210.00)

NB: Fees are payable in 3 installments as detailed below:

The trimester fees of KES 21,000.00 ($ 210.00) is payable in 3 installments of KES 7,000.00 ($ 70.00)

Course Requirements

All Fees are payable in installements, for details check FAQs

Practical Requirements (where applicable)

For courses that require practicals, a separate fee is chargable (not included in fee structure above) as follows:

  • Short courses - KES 5,000
  • Certificate courses - KES 7,500
  • Diploma courses - KES 10,000

Course Units/Overview

Finstock Evarsity English Bridging Course

Unit IDUnit Name
FEENGFinstock Evarsity English Bridging Course

Course Description

Finstock Evarsity English Bridging Course is a 1-month online course offered and examined by Finstock evarsity. A certificate of completion is offered upon completion of the course. Finstock evarsity English Bridging Course is a short intensive learning program designed to help students gain skills or knowledge needed for further or higher education. This program has been designed especially for students who have met the academic requirements for their chosen diplomas/degrees but have narrowly missed the English language requirements.

Course Overview

The goal of this course is to aid students in achieving the best education possible to help them to succeed in their future careers. This course seeks to improve a student’s English communication skills for academic purposes. English is the language of international communication, the media, and the internet so learning it is beneficial in reaching your goals. Students will learn to develop the English language and academic skills required for pursuing diplomas, undergraduate, graduate, and higher degrees without the need to sit for an IELTS test.

What is the Entry Requirement for Finstock Evarsity English Bridging Course?

To enroll and study the English Bridging Course, a student should have a minimum of D Minus (D-) in their KCSE exams.

Mode of Delivery

Home and/or office-based media employing a variety of self-instructional electronic and online self-study materials, such as; written self-instructional study modules, online interactive devices and self-tests, cloud-based content, videos of lectures mediated technical learning materials e.g., audiovisual and e-learning materials

Who Can Study the Finstock Evarsity English Bridging Course?

  • The course is suitable to help students transition from high school to college/university English requirements.
  • This course will be an advantage to someone who is learning the English language as it will equip the person with knowledge and guidelines on how to best perfect the language.

Importance of Finstock Evarsity English Bridging Course

  • The course will aid in the expansion of social skills and help the student be a part of an international community.
  • Students will benefit from learning subject-specific language terms specific to their diploma area or degree program and be better prepared to meet the English standards required for their destination courses.
  • Learn to appropriately use key grammatical structures in writing and speaking.
  • It will help in the application of a range of skills needed to understand complex reading and listening texts.
  • Students will be able to speak clearly and confidently in a range of contexts.
  • Knowing English increases one’s chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within their home country or of finding work abroad.
  • Develop proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
  • The course will teach students to extend your range and use of academic vocabulary.
  • Students will gain confidence in academic skills from the improvement of English proficiency.
  • Interpersonal and communication skills will improve.
  • Students will learn to appropriately use key grammatical structures in writing and speaking.

To gain these skills, apply for the English Bridging Course. Get your journey started by enrolling at Finstock Evarsity college and learning more. To register for the English Bridging Course, click on this link:



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Course Instructor(s)


Examining Body



Q1. How many intakes are there?

There are three intakes in a year as follows:



Term Period


Registration Window

January Intake

Trimester 1

Jan 1 — Apr 30



May Intake

Trimester 2

May 1 — Aug 31



September Intake

Trimester 3

Sep 1 — Dec 31



Q2. In how many installments can I pay the fees?

Payments can be done in 3 installments as specified in the fee structure.

Q3. When can I sit for the exams?

  1. Internal exams are activated for students individually.
  2. External exams (where applicable) are booked one month after you complete the course.

Refer to the external examining body for more details and requirements before seating for their exams.

Q4: Is this college accredited/approved?

Yes. The college is approved under the ministry of education, through TVETA, and also through National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).

Course Reviews

(1 review)
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1 star

Top Rated Reviews


Reviewed 9 months
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The English Bridging course from Finstock Evarsity is a good stepping point for learners who had low english marks and want to bridge. The coursework provides an in-depth analysis of how the English language has evolved and adapted over time. It highlights the impact of globalization, technology, and cultural interactions on the language. By incorporating diverse perspectives on cultural literacy, including its importance in developed and emerging economies, the materials provided underscores the significance of understanding cultural references for effective communication. The lessons also emphasize the role of technological advancements in transforming academic writing and communication practices. Overall, the coursework is comprehensive, well-structured, and relevant to contemporary linguistic and cultural studies.

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