Unicaf Bachelors Of Arts In Business Administration

Unicaf Bachelors Of Arts In Business Administration (UNICAF_BA_BUS_ADMIN) is offered as a BACHELOR course examined by UNICAF UNIVERSITY. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of this course. For more information about this course, use the tabs below to navigate.

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Entry Requirements

Instructions during application of an Unicaf Program

The application for a Unicaf Program (Degree, Masters, PhD)  consists of a preliminary assessment by Finstock Evarsity College for your suitability. 

The purpose of the provisional admittance letter issued by Finstock Evarsity College is to start the Unicaf application process which consists of;

  1. Proof that you can learn online by undertaking and passing a certified online learner (COL) course under Finstock Evarsity College
  2. Filling the Unicaf Application form
  3. Filling the Unicaf Scholarship form (scholarships are up to maximum 80%)
  4. Preparing an up to date C.V (very important)
  5. Submission of all academic certificates
  6. Preparation of a proposal in the event that a proposal is required (PhD requirement)
  7. Payment of application fees to Unicaf
  8. Continuous follow up to the time the application is fully accepted by Unicaf

Things to note.

  1. Unicaf degrees and learning can only be offered by Unicaf University through their portal, Finstock Evarsity College job is to assess the suitability of the candidate and help the candidate through the application process so that the application is not rejected by Unicaf.
  2. To assist the student in the application process, which consists of preparing the documents listed in the previous section (Item 1 to 8), Finstock Evarsity charges a facilitation fee indicated on the invoice sent to the applicant.
  3. Free tablets are available for those students whose application are successful and those who pay an initial tuition fee deposit of kes 80,000 (usd 800)
  4. A full approval of the application takes between 2 to 3 months

Unicaf Fees

Type of Degree
Amount in Dollars Before Scholarship
80% Scholarship in dollars
Amount  to be Paid   After Scholarship
Maximum Number of installments
Approximate amount to be paid per month
Duration in Years
Unicaf Bachelors Of Arts In Business Administration
 $           32,000
 $           25,600
Usd.6,400  (Kes. 640,000)
Usd.800 (Kes.80,000)
Usd.233.33  (Kes.23,333.33)

Duration: 4 Months

Delivery Method: Online

Fee Structure

Full Course Fees
Registration Fee KES 1,000.00 ($ 10.00)
Certification Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Administration Fee KES 10,000.00 ($ 100.00)
Internal Exam Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
External Exam Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Examining Body Membership Fee * KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Tuition Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Fees Totals KES 11,000.00 ($ 110.00)
* Examining Body Membership Fee may be payable through us or directly to the Examining Body

All Fees are payable in lumpusm or in installments, for details see below.
Breakdown per semester,

Trimester Total Per Trimester
Trimester 1KES 11,000.00 ($ 110.00)
TotalKES 11,000.00 ($ 110.00)

NB: Fees are payable in 3 installments as detailed below:

The trimester fees of KES 11,000.00 ($ 110.00) is payable in 3 installments of KES 3,666.67 ($ 36.67)

Course Requirements

Practical Requirements (where applicable)

For courses that require practicals, a separate fee is chargable (not included in fee structure above) as follows:

  • Short courses - KES 5,000
  • Certificate courses - KES 7,500
  • Diploma courses - KES 10,000

Course Units/Overview

Unit IDUnit Name
UNICAF_BA_BUS_ADMINUnicaf Bachelors Of Arts In Business Administration

Course Description

The Undergraduate Business Administration program provides an integrated business education, focusing on equipping students with a solid foundation in functional areas of a modern commercial enterprise crucial for the challenges and responsibilities of today’s business world. 

With Bachelors of Arts in Business Administration, you can work as a business analyst, operations manager, human resource manager, or marketing specialist. You could also find enough space as an entrepreneur, building your own business from the scratch.

Mode of Delivery

Home and/or office-based media employing a variety of self-instructional electronic and online self-study materials, such as; written self-instructional study modules, online interactive devices and self-tests, cloud-based content, videos of lectures mediated technical learning materials e.g., audiovisual and e-learning materials

Skills conveyed in Bachelors in Business Administration

  • Communication skills.
  • Business success.
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Technical skills.
  • Leadership and management skills.

Business Administration is one of the most integrative academic programs. It combines theoretical knowledge and concepts from Finance, Economics, Human Resource Management (HRM), Marketing, Information Systems, Accounting, and others.

5 reasons for studying in Bachelors of Arts in Business Administration

  • Professional Growth Potential
  • Wide Range of in-Demand Careers
  • Develop Key Administration and Leadership Skills
  • An Introduction to the Business World
  • Exposure to multiple disciplines

Student Recruitment Process by Finstock Evarsity College

This course is offered by UNICAF university as an online course that takes 4 years.

The course work is undertaken at UNICAF University portal while the application assistance/students recruitment is handled by Finstock Evarsity College, which operates as a student recruitment agency.

For Finstock Evarsity College to assist potential students in the application process, it requests certain documentation from applicants , an application fee and also requires the students to complete a free online course at Finstock Evarsity portal known as Certified Online Learner.

The documents requested are used to gauge the qualification of the students for the applied course and also to help in the application if the partial scholarship from UNICAF University.

The application fee is to cater for the processing of the documents at Finstock Evarsity and at UNICAF University.

 The free course offered by Finstock Evarsity  College (Certified Online Leaner) enables students to get used to online e-learning and prepares them for the online learning environment at UNICAF University.

Once the student application is pronounced successful by UNICAF University, the student starts using the UNICAF student portal to make course fee payments and also undertake the UNICAF coursework.



Online Degree Programs, Online Undergraduate Degree Programs, Bachelors of Arts in Business Administration, Online Masters , Online Doctorate Programs, Online Diplomas, Online Certificates, Affordable short courses, Online Courses with Downloadable Certificates, Freemium Courses, Online short courses, Undergraduate Degree exam revision past papers, Undergraduate degree coursework,   Finstock Evarsity College, Finstock LMS, Learning Management System

Course Instructor(s)


Examining Body



Q1. How many intakes are there?

There are three intakes in a year as follows:



Term Period


Registration Window

January Intake

Trimester 1

Jan 1 — Apr 30



May Intake

Trimester 2

May 1 — Aug 31



September Intake

Trimester 3

Sep 1 — Dec 31



Q2. In how many installments can I pay the fees?

Payments can be done in 3 installments as specified in the fee structure.

Q3. When can I sit for the exams?

  1. Internal exams are activated for students individually.
  2. External exams (where applicable) are booked one month after you complete the course.

Refer to the external examining body for more details and requirements before seating for their exams.

Q4: Is this college accredited/approved?

Yes. The college is approved under the ministry of education, through TVETA, and also through National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).

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