Diploma In International Relations And Diplomacy

Diploma In International Relations And Diplomacy (DIRD) is offered as a DIPLOMA course examined by FINSTOCK EVARSITY COLLEGE. A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of this course. For more information about this course, use the tabs below to navigate.

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Entry Requirements


Duration: 12 Months

Delivery Method: Online

Fee Structure

Full Course Fees
Registration Fee KES 1,000.00 ($ 10.00)
Certification Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Administration Fee KES 5,000.00 ($ 50.00)
Internal Exam Fee KES 15,000.00 ($ 150.00)
External Exam Fee KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Examining Body Membership Fee * KES 0.00 ($ 0.00)
Tuition Fee KES 96,000.00 ($ 960.00)
Fees Totals KES 117,000.00 ($ 1,170.00)
* Examining Body Membership Fee may be payable through us or directly to the Examining Body

All Fees are payable in lumpusm or in installments, for details see below.
Breakdown per semester,

Trimester Total Per Trimester
Trimester 1KES 39,000.00 ($ 390.00)
Trimester 2KES 39,000.00 ($ 390.00)
Trimester 3KES 39,000.00 ($ 390.00)
TotalKES 117,000.00 ($ 1,170.00)

NB: Fees are payable in 3 installments as detailed below:

The trimester fees of KES 39,000.00 ($ 390.00) is payable in 3 installments of KES 13,000.00 ($ 130.00)

Course Requirements

All Fees are payable in installements, for details check FAQs

Practical Requirements (where applicable)

For courses that require practicals, a separate fee is chargable (not included in fee structure above) as follows:

  • Short courses - KES 5,000
  • Certificate courses - KES 7,500
  • Diploma courses - KES 10,000

Course Units/Overview

  • Module I


  • Introduction To International Relations And Diplomacy
  • Communication Skills DIRD
  • Ethics In International Relations
  • International Law
  • Politics And Government In Kenya
  • Kenya's Foreign Policy


  • Module II


  • Politics And Government In Africa
  • Practice Of International Peacekeeping Operations
  • Comparative Foreign Policy
  • Regional Cooperation And Integration
  • International Organizations
  • French 1


  • Module III
  • Issues In International Relations
  • International Integration And Transnational
  • International Environmental Politics
  • World History And Transformation
  • Techniques In International Diplomacy
  • French 2

Unit IDUnit Name
DIRD001Introduction To International Relations And Diplomacy
DIRD002Communication Skills DIRD
DIRD003Ethics In International Relations
DIRD004Politics And Government In Kenya
DIRD005Kenya's Foreign Policy
DIRD006International Law
DIRD007Politics And Government In Africa
DIRD008Practice Of International Peacekeeping Operations
DIRD009Comparative Foreign Policy
DIRD010Regional Cooperation And Integration
DIRD011International Organizations
DIRD012French 1
DIRD013Issues In International Relations
DIRD014International Integration And Transnational
DIRD015International Environmental Politics
DIRD016World History And Transformation
DIRD017Techniques In International Diplomacy
DIRD018French 2

Course Description

Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy is a 12-month online course offered and examined by Finstock Evarsity College.  A certificate of completion is issued  upon completion of this course

 This program offers skills in the field of international relations and diplomacy; an interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on the study of foreign affairs and global issues that affect states within the international system. Modern international relations provide learners with a deep cultural understanding that is a foundation for interaction between cultures with different values and beliefs. The exciting program is designed for persons that are engaged in, or planning to embark on a professional career in the field of international expertise required for governments, not-for-profit organizations and corporate firms.

What is the minimum grade?

C- in  KCSE
Mode of Delivery

Home and/or office-based media employing a variety of self-instructional electronic and online self-study materials, such as; written self-instructional study modules, online interactive devices and self-tests, cloud-based content, videos of lectures mediated technical learning materials e.g., audiovisual and e-learning materials

Program Goals;

Equips students with a strong knowledge base to undertake critical analysis of contemporary international policy issues and challenges.

It aims to provide a thorough grounding on the principles of international relations while developing critical skills for a wide range of real world professional environments.

The program provides learners with a sound base in diplomacy and international relations studies through an in-depth investigation into broad range of political phenomena at the national, regional and international levels.

Skills conveyed

  • Learners would acquire skills in international analysis and diplomacy as well as sharpen their critical and analytical abilities.
  • Create an analytical, research and provision of possible solution for real world situations on an ethical ground base.
  • Sharpen their grasp of international matters and research on efficient methods to develop and maintain relations among countries.

Career Opportunity

  • Diplomats
  • Political analyst
  • Intelligence Specialist
  • Communications Specialists

Reasons for studying

  • You’ll gain transferable skills.
  • It’s about more than politics.
  • You can make an impact.
  • You’ll be part of a team
  • You’ll experience cultural immersion.





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Course Instructor(s)


Examining Body



Q1. How many intakes are there?

There are three intakes in a year as follows:



Term Period


Registration Window

January Intake

Trimester 1

Jan 1 — Apr 30



May Intake

Trimester 2

May 1 — Aug 31



September Intake

Trimester 3

Sep 1 — Dec 31



Q2. In how many installments can I pay the fees?

Payments can be done in 3 installments as specified in the fee structure.

Q3. When can I sit for the exams?

  1. Internal exams are activated for students individually.
  2. External exams (where applicable) are booked one month after you complete the course.

Refer to the external examining body for more details and requirements before seating for their exams.

Q4: Is this college accredited/approved?

Yes. The college is approved under the ministry of education, through TVETA, and also through National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).

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